I am always a perfectly safe man to tell any dirt to as it goes in one ear and out of my mouth.
Friday, May 26, 2006
I will try to make this entry as understandable as possible.

There was an orientation going on in school for L6-ers today after recess by the U6-ers. So before recess, most of the U6 idiots were going around telling everyone (L6-ers) that there will be a motivational talk by Mr. Ng. (I was told that there were scolded by Mr. Ng for using his name). Anyway, they are in U6 and yet they do not know how to differentiate between orientation and motivation. Two years of MUET lesson has gone to waste!

Eventually, we headed to the lecture hall. Everything was so disorganised. (There are not as good as the kids of the dragon year) Yes, they did not on the air-conds (it was pretty hot in there). They did not on the PA system and one of the idiots were down there testing the microphone. 'Smart' Arun knew it, finally.

Anand started the ball rolling by asking us to number ourselves from 1 to 4. So we were divided into 4 groups which my friends did not (including myself).

Zailan came in shouting, "Pasar ke?! Bagilah hormatlah sikit!" (we were very noisy)

Initially, the guys lost their balls and Elaine took over.

First game: Front row will have to move to the back row, 2nd row will have to move to the 1st row, 3rd to the 2nd, and so on. Everything must be done within 60 seconds. A group of girls from my group were the last ones. So we were asked to relakan diri to go to the front for the punishment. Me, Uncle Lee, Alex Lim were the three of the 10 people who went down hoping to play a fool on them (the U6-ers).

Okay now, the introduction session started. Alex was the first one in the line so he introduced himself. I was the last one and Uncle Lee was behind me. When it comes to Uncle Lee's turn...

Anand, the MC: Okay. What is your name?
Uncle Lee: My name is Anand.
Anand: Hey, my name is Anand too.
Uncle Lee: Sorry. My name is not Anand.
Anand: Then, what is your name?
Uncle Lee: My name is not Anand.
Anand: I know your name is not Anand but what is your name?
Uncle Lee: My name is not Anand.
Anand: Okay, fine. Which school were you from?
Uncle Lee: I am from the school you are in.

Anand was pissed and it was my turn...

Anand: What is your name?
Me: My name is Bobby.
Anand: Eh, shut up lah. I know you are Gerard.
Me: Then, why did you ask?
Anand: Okay, okay. Tell your name properly.
Me (to the crowd): Nama saya Bobby kan?
The crowd: YES!
Anand (to me): Okay, Bobby (pissed tone)

The punishment was... the first person (Alex) will receive the sign language from the coordinator and he is supposed to pass it to the person in front of him. When it came to Uncle Lee's turn, he showed me otherwise and I have to show to the crowd what sign language I have received. The signs actually means, U6 sucks! Then Michelle asked me to interpret the actual sign which was shown by Alex. I said, "Saw an empty house, open the door, enter, pull down your pants, sit down and start playing Daytona." NO! It was supposed to be, "Open the toilet door, enter, pull down your pants, sit on the cubicle and read the newspaper."

Second game: A paper ball has to be passed around until the music stops. The person who gets the ball has got to be punished. You are not allowed to throw the ball. Uncle Lee hid the ball and acted don't know at first but later, he went out for the punishment session together with Tyrone (for your information, there were 4 balls). Both of them have to write the word 'Mississippi' by using their backside but ended up with the word 'California'. The 'I' was sexy. The girls were made to sing Negaraku. Damn potong.

Anand was even more pissed now when Uncle Lee was the one who gets punished for every game because Anand's head aches whenever he tried to handle Uncle Lee.

Anand: What is your name again?
Uncle Lee: My name is not Anand.
Anand (to the crowd): Guys, his name is not Anand.
Anand: Which school are you from?
Uncle Lee: I am not from BK.
Anand: Obviously because it is an all-girls school.
Uncle Lee: Then, I am not from Convent.
Anand: Convent is also a girls school.
Uncle Lee: If that is the case, I am not from MGS, La Salle and Dato Hamzah.

By now, I could see from the coordinators' faces that they were exhausted and tired of us. Padan muka.

Third game: You have to pass a message around and the last person has to go out to tell what message he/she has got. When Uncle Lee heard this, he quickly jumped to the back row to be the last person. And so he went down. Instead of the message which goes something like this, "Kakak ku kata kuku kaki ku keras", Uncle Lee says, "Betty bought a bit of bitter butter......" The crowd was laughing like mad and Uncle Lee was called out. He was questioned by Anand, "Eh, why must you do all this lah?" Uncle Lee says, "Chill lah."

It was time to go back at last and we are proud to say that U6 was 'ragged' instead of L6. L6 was enjoying the fun instead of U6. Happy holidays, friends!

p/s: U6, think twice before you orientate us because it may end up you being orientated. Thanks for the fun!
posted by Abang Bobby at 1:54 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Finally, first week of F6 is over. I was told that the ragging by the U6-ers will be conducted after the holidays. I do not know the reason why they want to rag us. All these stuffs should be done within the first two weeks but they are having their mid-term exams, unfortunately.

I still see sesated students who loved the Lecture Hall so much that they headed there straight after assembly instead of their respective classes. Lesson started today. Not to say lesson but we were exposed to the syllabus and stuff like that.

Review of the teachers:

Pengajian Am (Ariza Aki): LEFT handed. Strict and she is actually not bad. Can teach type lah.

BM (Hazmah Awang): LEFT handed again. Keep looking at the whiteboard while talking to us as though there are words on it. HAVE NOT seen anything in her.

MUET (Manomoney): I could see some 'strictness' in her compare to when I was in lower secondary.

Sejarah 1 (Rajamokan): (speechless)

Class AJKs were chosen today. My class is UMNO, Tyrone's - Gerakan and Uncle Lee's - Wanita MCA.

Went to Melawis after school for lunch. Uncle Lee was, again, the sickest, trying to talk to the shopkeeper in Hokkien.
posted by Abang Bobby at 10:48 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Third day of F6 has nothing much. MUET registration was going on. A girl who was sitting in front of me is so bitchy which Tyrone disagrees with me. I say third day ah, not fourth day because the fourth day one was nice. Cdrka gave briefing on discipline. I could see from her face that she was trying to be nice to the girls. Ada udang di sebalik batu...

I have much to say about the fourth day of F6. As usual, we went to the Lecture Hall in the morning. Mathematics Test registration was opened. Mrs. K was talking to us about the Mini Canteen Day which we, L6-ers have to organise. Later on, Mr. Jason came to gave a motivational talk on STPM. At the same time, promoting his tuition center and books. Someone left the hall because she kutuk him earlier. *ahem*

At 11.00, we were led to our respective classes. Oh holy fking shit! Mrs. K announced that my class is the most unlucky because it is behind the hall which used to be 4 Yakin. OMG!!! I was cursing like hell deep in my heart when we were heading to our class. Of all the classes in school, the school put mine there. The minute I reached my class...... The motivated Bobby lost his motivation. Sia-sia motivasi Mr. Jason. That place is like SHIT! full with broken tables and chairs. It was a spot for smoking and lepaking. Picture of Khir Toyo was hung there. Patron for smokers, I think. We have to spend roughly an hour to clean that place and get rid of all the unwanted things. We do not even have proper tables and chairs. What we got was rejected ones. And tomorrow, we have to bring cloth the to the wiping business. Damn suay! Guess what? Rjmk is my class teacher for the third year and 3-FEET is gonna teach me Economy! *bang head* In the end, I made a conclusion - If Rjmk is the class teacher, that class will have a name with the word BEHIND. When I was in F4 - BEHIND the staffs room. When I was in F5 - BEHIND the girls toilet and now BEHIND the hall... Few called it BACKSTAGE! ~!@#$

At 12.45, we were asked to go back to the Lecture Hall to practice to sing the school song. Of all the ex- ACS boys, my name was mentioned first to go down to sing. Not me alone lah. ISH~~ Pei Fun was smiling all the time Xp

Someone got Uncle Lee's joke only after 24 hours because she asked her mother. Habis! Ya' know, Uncle Lee's joke for a mother?

p/s: No pictures at the moment because I suspect that there will be a spot-check soon. So I won't be bringing anything illegal.
posted by Abang Bobby at 10:11 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Second day of F6...
Better today! Beta bagaikan tulang belakang sekolah... Looks like the Lecture Hall belongs to me. Supposed to celebrate Teachers' Day but it was raining. Rain is the best gift a teacher can ever get, hujan rahmat. The rain lasted for an hour. The quadrangle was wet. So students were asked to go to the main hall. Bangang betul.. How to fit such a big number of students? In the end, many loitered on the ground but I did not. Normal celebration - Perutusan daripada Menteri, etc etc, speeches by the YDP PIBG, Principal, Head Prefect, performance.....

Ikrar Guru


Highlight of the day - Uptown Girl by two boys from 1 Yakin

Installation of new prefects

This is for those of you who have not seen me in white shirt for many years.

After the celebration, there were MUET briefing and class division for the L6-ers in the Lecture Hall.

Gosh, Uncle Lee was sick. Shee Wuen was hillarious~
posted by Abang Bobby at 1:28 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Monday, May 15, 2006
First day of F6! Argh... BORING! Forgot the lyrics of the school song. Lame assembly as usual. First time in three years, lining up with the students. 2/3 of the L6-ers are girls! Uncle Lee says the ratio is.... (those who know him well, you know lah).

Went to the Lecture Hall. Me, Tyrone, Uncle Lee and Arvind got spotted by Mrs. Koh. We were asked to clean the hall. Registration of students took place.

Mr. Chan was hyped in some ways.

Mr. Ng came in to look see look see.

We watched a documentary titled Walking With Dinosaur. Halfway through the movie, the screensaver of Mrs. Koh's laptop popped up, Jesus Loves You. Another way of spreading the gospel.....

Caught! You can make a conclusion: No one is chick in Tyrone's eyes.

It was pretty boring in the hall! Practically, you have nothing to do after your name is registered. Sigh.....
posted by Abang Bobby at 1:51 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, May 12, 2006
Life has been very different to me ever since I finished my SPM on the 5th of December 2005. I rotted at home for not even one month. Idle at home doing nothing is a no-no for me. So I found a job after Christmas and I started working till now. I'm entering Form 6 soon and I'm gonna miss my job.

I would say that I have a very nice boss. He never gets angry with me, always appreciate my work very much. When we are free, he would talk to me, guiding me through and tell me some of the principles of life. A very romantic person, he is. I learnt a lot from him. He's more like a father to me than an employer.

Although I enjoy working at his place, I still miss my school days, my school friends and a couple of my teachers very much, not the homework, of course. As time goes by, the feeling of getting back to school is getting deeper each day. When I was in school, I used to take things for granted, never bothered to appreciate things around me.

I realised now that you can't do much when you have started working. Everything is so 'packed up' that you have to continue doing the same thing daily - wake up, work, sleep. To those who are still in secondary school, make full use of 'it'. You can never get that freedom once you are out of secondary school. It's like a beginning of a new life. Everything has to be decided.

Holding a few positions during my school days has made me the person I am today. I do admit that I once wanted to give up everything but friendship, personal trials and triumphs helped me through. Being around with close group of friends who have high leadership spirit and determination in life has inspired me to move on. It has left an indelible mark in my life. What is life, right, if it does not fill with ups and downs?

People I miss:

Shang Neng: His grin when I didn't do what I should/must and the sigh he made trying to bear with me...

Hau Wei: His BHB attitude.

Adrian: His *musical* voice singing to the tunes of his guitar broom and his patented 'Nombor yang anda dail' boasting that Telekom Malaysia will, one day, pay him to be the Operator of their network.

Ashley: Sleep in the class without fail everyday with the shirt unbuttoned.

Jagdeep: Forever with a carrot stuffed in his mouth.

Min Whu: Sat beside me throughout the year of 2005. We talked cock daily.

Ming Jie: Always with his homework - Add Math and Accounts.

Chia The: Always turned behind and conteng my table. Also thanks to his mum for, sometimes, helping me to buy char siew fun, fried rice etc from a stall near her place.

Fadly: Only saw him in class for a few seconds every morning. Then, he disappeared to where he belongs. Always with the cigarette smell.

How Keat: Always fight with Chek Liang. His table was nicely decorated with basketball and football players' name.

Chek Liang: Always fight with How Keat.

Firdaus and Farid: In the surau most of the time. Sleeping there, I guess.

Ilee: Always with his lawak basi.

Jeremy: Brought his PDA and handphone(s) almost everyday. Sony Clie, BenQ and Sagem. BenQ will always be in his Nike water bottle. Watched Lindsay Lohan's video clip.

Ron: With his novel most of the time.

Jonathan: Quiet and loud depending on the situation.

Christopher: Used to watch Russell Peter on his PDA.

Ming Wei: Shout at people all out of sudden.

Yat Sin: Laughed a lot.

Yu Gene: Always with Daniel Raj at the foyer kecil talking about computer games and cheats.

Leroy: Laugh over small things.

Arvindave and Cheng Chee: Once we tried to make the water bottle float on air.

Leshvind: Talk cock too much. Always with his Jambuism. Flirt with a few teachers including SPM examiners!

Hooi Xian: Loads to talk about.

Kelvin: True rakan sepejuangan - eat in class, lepak, socialising, go for two recesses etc.

Eugene Goh: We used to talk about 'dandruff'.

Alvin Chew: Kecil-kecil cili api.

Wei Chun: Quiet guy.

Pn. Zakiah Abdul Rahman: F4 & F5 BM teacher. A teacher with motherly love. Always ask me to pass up my karangan book.

Cik Rasiah: She has never taught me but I just miss her.

Mr. Rajamokan: F4 & F5 Class and History teacher. Used to call him Raja Makan.

Pn. Roslina: F4 & F5 Math teacher. A very hardworking teacher, always enlightened me.

Miss Lim Mooi Lan: The best teacher with a heart for the students.

Pn. Siti Maryam: Very concern about me and my family.

Mr. Munisparan: Always asked me about my well-being.

En. Sabri: The best discipline master ever.

Ustaz Nazari: Joker among the teachers.

Pn. Saliah: F1 and F2 class teacher. Approaches the students like a mother.

Pn. Sanday: F1 & F2 History teacher. *thumbs up* for her.

Pn. Siti Nora: An open-minded teacher.

Pn. Anita Laili: Counsellor. My guide.

Mr. Adaikalasamy: I'm his postman.

Anyway, it will be endless if I continue this. You guys are way beyond description actually. So friends whom I didn't mention, please do not feel left out. The above are just to name a few. Teachers too! Teachers and friends have moulded me as long as I was in secondary school, making me the way I am today.

To all the teachers, Happy Teachers' Day in advance!

To all my friends, Best Wishes from me!
posted by Abang Bobby at 2:53 PM | Permalink | 0 comments


You taught me everything,
And everything you've given me, I'll always keep it inside.
You're the driving force in my life, yeah.
There isn't anything or anyone that I can be,
And it just wouldn't feel right,
If I didn't have you by my side.
You were there for me to love and care for me,
When skies were grey.
Whenever I was down,
You were always there to comfort me.
And no one else can be what you have been to me,
You'll always be,
You will always be the girl in my life for all times.

Mama, Mama you know I love you,
(Oh, you know I love you),
Mama, Mama you're the queen of my heart.
Your love is like tears from the stars.
Mama, I just want you to know,
Lovin' you is like food to my soul.

You're always down for me,
Have always been around for me,
Even when I was bad.
You showed me right from my wrong,
(Yes you did).
And you took up for me,
When everyone was downin' me,
You always did understand,
You gave me strength to go on.
There was so many times,
Looking back when I was so afraid.
And then you come to me and say to me,
I can face anything.
And no one else can do,
What you have done for me.
You'll always be,
You will always be the girl in my life.


Never gonna go a day without you.
Fills me up just thinking about you.
I'll never go a day without my Mama.


posted by Abang Bobby at 2:01 PM | Permalink | 0 comments