I am always a perfectly safe man to tell any dirt to as it goes in one ear and out of my mouth.
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Second day of F6...
Better today! Beta bagaikan tulang belakang sekolah... Looks like the Lecture Hall belongs to me. Supposed to celebrate Teachers' Day but it was raining. Rain is the best gift a teacher can ever get, hujan rahmat. The rain lasted for an hour. The quadrangle was wet. So students were asked to go to the main hall. Bangang betul.. How to fit such a big number of students? In the end, many loitered on the ground but I did not. Normal celebration - Perutusan daripada Menteri, etc etc, speeches by the YDP PIBG, Principal, Head Prefect, performance.....

Ikrar Guru


Highlight of the day - Uptown Girl by two boys from 1 Yakin

Installation of new prefects

This is for those of you who have not seen me in white shirt for many years.

After the celebration, there were MUET briefing and class division for the L6-ers in the Lecture Hall.

Gosh, Uncle Lee was sick. Shee Wuen was hillarious~
posted by Abang Bobby at 1:28 PM | Permalink |