Third day of F6 has nothing much. MUET registration was going on. A girl who was sitting in front of me is so bitchy which Tyrone disagrees with me. I say third day ah, not fourth day because the fourth day one was nice. Cdrka gave briefing on discipline. I could see from her face that she was trying to be nice to the girls. Ada udang di sebalik batu...
I have much to say about the fourth day of F6. As usual, we went to the Lecture Hall in the morning. Mathematics Test registration was opened. Mrs. K was talking to us about the Mini Canteen Day which we, L6-ers have to organise. Later on, Mr. Jason came to gave a motivational talk on STPM. At the same time, promoting his tuition center and books. Someone left the hall because she kutuk him earlier. *ahem*
At 11.00, we were led to our respective classes. Oh holy fking shit! Mrs. K announced that my class is the most unlucky because it is behind the hall which used to be 4 Yakin. OMG!!! I was cursing like hell deep in my heart when we were heading to our class. Of all the classes in school, the school put mine there. The minute I reached my class...... The motivated Bobby lost his motivation. Sia-sia motivasi Mr. Jason. That place is like SHIT! full with broken tables and chairs. It was a spot for smoking and lepaking. Picture of Khir Toyo was hung there. Patron for smokers, I think. We have to spend roughly an hour to clean that place and get rid of all the unwanted things. We do not even have proper tables and chairs. What we got was rejected ones. And tomorrow, we have to bring cloth the to the wiping business. Damn suay! Guess what? Rjmk is my class teacher for the third year and 3-FEET is gonna teach me Economy! *bang head* In the end, I made a conclusion - If Rjmk is the class teacher, that class will have a name with the word BEHIND. When I was in F4 - BEHIND the staffs room. When I was in F5 - BEHIND the girls toilet and now BEHIND the hall... Few called it BACKSTAGE! ~!@#$
At 12.45, we were asked to go back to the Lecture Hall to practice to sing the school song. Of all the ex- ACS boys, my name was mentioned first to go down to sing. Not me alone lah. ISH~~ Pei Fun was smiling all the time Xp
Someone got Uncle Lee's joke only after 24 hours because she asked her mother. Habis! Ya' know, Uncle Lee's joke for a mother?
p/s: No pictures at the moment because I suspect that there will be a spot-check soon. So I won't be bringing anything illegal.